Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trichet: The next time the ECB to cut rates by 25 points

President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet (Jean-Claude Trichet) April 19, signaled that the next time the ECB is likely to reduce the basic discount rate by only 25 basis points. Trichet, currently in Japan, said in an interview with news agency Kyodo, that the next reduction will be very balanced. In an interview with Yomiuri newspaper, he explained: "I said, do not rule out the possibility of lowering the rates are very cautious pace. I said that reducing rates by 25 basis points is a very cautious step. Hence, it is possible the pace of future steps." In an interview with Kyodo Trichet also reiterated that it is lowering rates to zero is not appropriate for the eurozone. In an interview with another Japanese publication, Jiji Press, Trichet referred to the difficulties experienced by some economies of Central and Eastern Europe, and stressed that the banks, which credited the region should not stop lending . The message that we bring to the banks of the eurozone that they are accountable to those countries where they have branches or interests, and we encourage them to continue to maintain a responsible policy, "- he said. In an interview with Japanese newspaper Mainichi he cautioned against excessive optimism in connection with glimmers of hope have emerged in recent times. "Regarding 2009, we must be prepared to ensure that it will be very difficult. In the course of the year will be ups and downs, the combination of good and bad indicators. K2Kapital

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