Wednesday, April 29, 2009

AvtoVAZ cut nine vice-presidents

On Monday, the Board of Directors approved the reduction as soon AvtoVAZ nine vice-presidents of the plant. This "Kommersant" reported the head of board of directors of the factory, Director goskorporatsii "Rostehnologii Sergei Chemezov. The names of those who fall under the reduction, he did not name. The dismissal of nine vice-presidents of a reduction of management of AvtoVAZ in the third. Now in the composition of the plant consists of 27 people. This president Boris Aleshin, two of his first zama the rank of executive vice-presidents Igor Komarov (joined the board on Monday) and Ian Vincent (blokpaketa AvtoVAZ representative of the owner of the French group Renault), as well as 10 senior vice presidents, 13 ordinary and Secretary government. The fact that the reduction of the Vice-Presidents of AvtoVAZ was announced simultaneously with the emergence of the factory Igor Komarov, not accidental. New Deputy B. Alyoshin called minion deputy head "Rostehnology, Chapter crisis committee AvtoVAZ Igor Zavyalova. Informally in Rostehnologiyah "made it clear that the main objective of I. Komarova - AutoVAZ for control of the costs and financial flows. Before the advent Komarov, Boris Aleshin has been repeatedly pointed out that the board of 27 people - "absolutely normal managerial superstructure, which is created on a system of governance Renault". He added that the vice-presidents at the plant exactly as much as you want and to manage such a complex production, as AvtoVAZ. However, the newspaper notes, the reduction can be purely formal: the unofficial information, the majority of laid off will receive new posts at the plant.

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