Monday, April 27, 2009

United Kingdom, April 2009: home prices

British real estate prices have shown, on the basis of April, the smallest decline for the past 13 months, but economists believe, this recovery is only a seasonal phenomenon, and is unlikely to affect future trends in this year. The decline in April was 0.3% monthly and 10.1% annually, to reduce by 0.6% and 10.3% respectively in March. Despite the fact that sales in the total dropped by half, and prices continue to decline rapidly, due to the fall of the credit market and the pressure of financial crisis, the April data may indicate that the achievement of the market bottom. According to the economists estimated the agency Hometrack, the government little hope for an early start of recovery of real estate market, according to the budget plan, affirming the fears of investors' uncertainty about the continuation of development in this segment. "As a result of a number of factors, demand for houses will be restricted, that would cause a moderate decline in prices during this and next year", - said Richard Donnelly, director of research group Hometrack. According to more than 6 thousand on the sale of real estate agents, the average implementation period of real estate has dropped to 10.4 weeks in April, to 12.3 weeks at the beginning of this year.

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