Monday, April 27, 2009

The situation is all the worse and worse

One hundred and three people died from swine flu in Mexico as of Sunday evening, 1614 hospitalized with symptoms of the disease, said Mexican Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova.
Previously, Mexican authorities have officially confirmed the death of 20 people from porcine influenza H1N1, the cause of 48 deaths so far is not clearly established. In the United States infected 20 people in Canada - six. The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Margaret Chan said that the outbreak in Mexico has "the potential pandemic."
In Brazil, with suspected influenza hospitalized Mexican pork. Now he is in a hospital in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo.
Physician Edmilson Calories from Institute of Infectious Diseases Emiliya Ribas told in interview to «Globe», that the patient had recently returned from Mexico where the disease has already led to the deaths of dozens of people. According to the doctor, 30-year-old citizen of Mexico, whose name is not called, feels good, but will be in hospital intensive care unit until he has made the analysis did not confirm whether or not refuted the version of the availability of pig influenza has not yet been recorded in Brazil, passes portal «».
Porcine influenza infections, which the World Health Organization described as an emergency international level, for the time being confirmed in the United States, Canada, Spain and Mexico, where, according to official figures, 20 people have died from the virus. Suspected infection of swine influenza is also in France, Great Britain, New Zealand and several other countries. In the United States confirmed 20 cases of infection with porcine influenza virus.

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