Monday, April 27, 2009

Barclays Capital advised to leave long positions in Canadian dollar

Since the beginning of a new week, the Russian currency was able to reach fresh highs against a basket of currencies CBR, but the bulls have shifted dramatically in the attack, given another wave of selling in the oil market and are now course bivalyutnoy basket is 38.12 rubles. Barclays Capital Currency strategists point out that the return of the ruble to the recent peak gives market participants a good opportunity to leave its existing long positions, given the risk of new attack on the Russian currency decline. In support of this point in the bank pointed to signs that the weakening of Russia's economy will be more significant than expected, while Barclays Capital currency strategists also expected to remain negative impact of high inflation in the currency. The dollar / ruble has now risen to 33.42, starting the day around 33.31, the euro / ruble, meanwhile, traded close to 43.90, indicating the session minima in the region 43.68.

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