Saturday, April 25, 2009

Banking suffering

Finance terrorists too often in the regular cash flow. The problem of identifying and tracking became almost the primary concern is very special in many countries. However, there are effective methods used by them?

Banking suffering
Experienced managers of banks, seen at his age a lot of economic crimes, understand that the requirements of little help in the denunciation of the criminals, but they only protect the strict implementation of penalties and other troubles. In the eyes of bank employees standardized financial transaction - simple and unpretentious, and resemble each other, as proposed by the supervisory authorities as suspicious. For example, in America in the number of suspicious transactions has got a great contribution to the subsequent numerous, but small payments. Such a transaction carried out 50% of bank customers - even pensioners in Russia, though a writer in England. And invented a suspicious transaction model is experienced in the destruction of the financial structures of criminal organization - the Federal Bureau of Investigation United States. And most importantly, it continues to engage in the same way, giving the example is not very experienced, but in all of the following best practices to American services.

The banking experience - is not a criterion. In Britain, where all supermarkets use payment cards, bank teller came to the head with a suspicious transaction: the client every day puts a lot of money in cash. But it turned out that he was an honest shopkeeper, selling well-known in fast food cooking Takeaway. By the way, in London, in fast food restaurants «McDonald's» payment cards do not pay.

Prior to mass terrorist attacks in America were more tolerant rule, than in Europe. But after September 11 George Bush decided to become a holy Pope, and the secret services have a right to invade the privacy of Americans.

The new rules have caused little damage to the terrorists and the participants in money laundering. After all, their money have a legitimate origin: insurance companies, charities and even banks. Supervisory authorities, banks can not teach how to identify money, addressed to the terrorists. Banks also require the names of the suspects. They are accustomed to working with the names and photos, cheats, bear-hunters, and other criminals. But officials did not share. Therefore, the banks receive from the supervisory authorities as old as this world, the rule: «Each bank should know your customer».

Now many companies offer banking software that can identify the inadequate behavior of customers. Among them: «Américas software», «Mantes», «Serchspeys» and «faynenshial Thomson Publishing» and «Eych Nu Xi software».

But these programs are unable to do what no man can do. They are comparing the current operation with the pattern introduced in the program will find flaws in banking, as supporters of terrorists. They are more suited to banks that serve many clients, but also offers standard services than banks with a developed system of service and able to conduct financial transaction of any complexity. This is the opinion of experts on the fight against money laundering Company Price-WaterhouseCooper in London. Systems for tracking the passage of the deal to the recipient became yet another innovation in the banking sector. But they only have proliferated, as has already been criticized for «unethical» in relation to the client.

Investor pays for all banking innovations to destroy the financial structure of terrorism and the fight against money laundering. And where there are few, and they are poor, innovations replace deception. The reports of suspicious transactions, often involving fictitious person «Caucasian ethnicity» in Russia and in the United States - «Arab».

In the recent past, international officials involved in the fight against money laundering, serious discussion of new requirements for banks, namely: to examine not only its correspondent banks, but all of their depositors. Continue to follow all the financial institutions, through which banks make payments in places where they have no branches. But «carried». Now the Belgian bank will not require the results of his client's correspondent in Italy, but may request additional information about the client a Russian bank.

Methods of risk
International organizations, governmental and supervisory bodies to identify groups at risk to facilitate the laundering of criminal proceeds and terrorist financing. These include:

- International banks and those with doubtful reputation (in the black list, the International Organization for the fight against Money Laundering - FATF);
- Local banks with a large number of accounts, sources of cash income that could be petty crimes;
- Independent financial advisors, and capital, is located in zones with tax-favored;
- Currency exchange, which, according to all international organizations involved in the fight against money laundering, is also a vulnerable point in the bank, as the unit serving the international payment system of the type «Manigrem» or «Western Union». The latter has recently agreed to pay a fine of $ 8 million and recognized the fairness of charges of violating the rules against money laundering. But she rejected any responsibility for the abusive facilitate terrorist financing and money laundering;
- Credit Unions (the Fund). Because of the poor training of staff there can easily penetrate supporters of legalization of criminal incomes, they can also serve as a source or part of the chain for the financing of terrorism. Risk groups will not remain constant, their officials will change, but rather, simply to increase their numbers.

Knut no carrot
As the work of banks in the fight against money laundering and combat terrorist financing? The answer is simple: the results. But it's easy to do when they are. And if not - the work of the compliance of existing procedures and rules established by various organizations. For example, violation of the timing of the reports when they are required. In addition, the Bank and the supervising authority may have different ideas about suspicious transactions. Who is right? Of course, the supervising authority. Generally, the bank is often punished for the discrepancy customer verification procedures, the evil attitude towards the employee, reports to law enforcement authorities about the activities mentioned above, for the quality and quantity of records and lack of trained personnel. Violation of these rules, banks fined severely, but the serious promotion, no one heard. Banking rule «, each bank must know your customer» is acting at all times. If you are a client of Russia, much less a foreign bank, you know: you're whole life will be under his cap. It is a place where in the world financial system is composed of different money - and «clean», and «dirty». Even then legalized criminal proceeds in other places: the insurance companies, stock and commodity exchanges, the markets of antiques and real estate, etc.

Therefore, overseas business partner always asks for your bank or recommendation «letter of good conduct». If you - the first person in the bank, find a clever and a separate chief of security. And if you - the attacker, the only catch is now claiming to be the most intelligent.

Yuri Nekrasov

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