Monday, April 27, 2009

VI International Annual Conference «Theory and practice of trading options» will be held May 21, 2009

Sixth Annual International Conference «Theory and practice of trading options» held on 21 May 2009. Conference organizers: JSC «RTS Stock Exchange» and agency «Derivative Expert».

Conference «Theory and practice of trading options» - traditional event for the elite options markets in Russia.

This year, organizers made a special emphasis on the prospects of an option in the current market situation.

The conference was attended not only the leading players of option markets in Russia, but also private investors, whose activity in the sale of options increases, are also invited: representatives of companies and developers of analytical software products for the term market, as well as employees of Western companies operating in the Russian market.

The conference has traditionally be discussed topical issues of Russian market of options, past achievements, experience working with the Russian option of Western participants, the prospects and development trends of the market. Every year in the Conference are attended by about 150 people.

From the preliminary program of the Conference you can visit the website

In the previous conference was attended by leading Western and Russian members of peace derivatives: Merril Lynch, Akvila Asset Management, Financial Bridge, Petroinvest, First United Bank, Transcapitalbank, IR «DOHOD», TSERIH Capital Management, Option, Evrogrin, Renaissance Capital, Ai Tee Invest, «ktivFinansMenedzhment, Gazbank, Agro Standard,« Petersburg Trust fond », Troika Dialog, Moscow Capital, AK Bars Finance, East Kommerz, ALOR, Expert System, Thi Sy Capital, CIT Finance, Capital, Alfa Bank, UralSib , Faynenshnl Securities Group, Opening of the National League of Managers, Deutsche Securities, National Reserve Bank, BBH Legal, Inform, Protect, Finance House, the MICEX, Olma Financial Services LTD, Sberbank of Russia, etc.

To register to attend the conference can contact the agency Derivative Expert, tel.: (495) 733-95-12, 8-800-200-30-32 (toll-free in Russia), E-mail:

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