Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jena mnogonedelnogo reached peak against the dollar and euro

Jena mnogonedelnogo reached peak against the dollar and euro in Asia after the message Wall Street Journal, that the U.S. government makes Bank of America and Citigroup to increase capitalization due to concerns about the financial sector. People familiar with the situation say that American regulators have announced 2 U.S. banks on the need to increase the capital base after the first results of stress tests. Analysts point out that increasing the probability of capital infusions from the government.
Investors continue to buy the Japanese currency as a currency of refuge, concerns about the proliferation of porcine influenza yen provide support. The dollar fell to 95.97 yen - down from 30 March, while the euro fell to 124.66 with a minimum of 12 March. Messages that pig flu found in South Korea had no impact on the yen rate, if the situation is worse in the world, rising yen increase.
Effect of news on the pig flu in different Asian countries. The Singapore dollar fell, the Korean won remained unchanged, as it is a very sharp fall in early March on fears about the financial crisis. The Mexican peso, after yesterday's drop did not change relative to the U.S. today.

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