Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The growth of AUD / JPY may be beneficial for sales

Against the backdrop of a weakening of the negative sentiment on equity markets the Australian currency was able to recover a significant portion of the losses incurred today, in particular, and paired with yen, and is currently AUD / JPY is kept around Y68.11. Interested in sales seen around Y68.30/40 and in the vicinity of Y68.70, and currency strategists Commerzbank would not preclude the continuation of the restoration of a pair in the near future. Nevertheless, the bank emphasized that are pessimistic about the longer-term prospects for AUD / JPY, taking into account the observed earlier unsuccessful attempt to overcome a pair of resistance in the area of Y73.90 and return below the 200-day moving average. In the Commerzbank consider that the current growth is the correction movement, which provides an opportunity for sales of Australian currency, and bank strategists recommend opening short positions in Y68.65/Y69.60 with the foot at Y70.40 and the goals of reduction of Y64.50 / Y63.84.

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