Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Goldman Sachs: over time, demand for asset-shelters weaken

With the increasing concern of investors the U.S. currency continues to feel the growing interest in buying, but foreign exchange strategists Goldman Sachs, arguing for a more distant prospect, recommend market participants should not forget that the dollar and the yen and the franc traditionally are the currencies of refuge and enjoy strong demand as such it is in periods of turbulence in the economy and the markets need to be financially weakened. The Bank believes that in the coming months, the situation in the world economy becomes clearer, which will lead to a weakening in demand for safe assets-and, consequently, support the decline of Japanese, Swiss and American currencies in favor of whom will testify, and strong growth in the past, seen in the past months. At Goldman Sachs, in particular, are forecast for the euro / dollar at the end of the year at $ 1.45, while a similar prediction for the euro / yen at Y145

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