Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ECB Bini Smaga: ECB leaves rates projected at 1%

ECB leaves rates projected at 1% and take unusual measures, if necessary, said ECB Governing Council member Lorenzo Bini Smaga published Monday in an interview with Financial Times Deutschland. "Given the scenario kotoryyest now and we expect to see, it would be more plausible if the bank acted in a way," - said Bini Smaga. Statements Bini Smaga suggest that the ECB is not ready to delete the interest rate below 1%. The ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet earlier said in an interview that "another reduction in key interest rates is not excluded." "For six months we have cut interest rates by 300 basis points, and now go to a soft landing - a plane that lands smoothly, not abruptly and unexpectedly," - said Bini Smaga. Bini Smaga believes that the economic recovery in 2010 will be gradual. Bini Smaga does not expect of a deflationary spiral. The rate of inflation excluding the prices of oil and food, in his opinion, likely to remain in the range of 1% -2%.

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