Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lloyds recommends buying a pound on the decline

A key catalyst for movements in the foreign exchange market is the mood in the market of assets, as well as forecasts of future stock market trends. Understandably, market participants want to know whether the stock indexes have reached the bottom. If so, you can safely rely on the improved prospects for pro-cyclical currency. Again, the main unknown - this time. It is believed that now dominates bearish trend, but this does not exclude the periods of growth. Even in the pronounced bear markets are periods of significant growth, which creates the impression perelma trend. Now, most market participants consider the current positive momentum as the correction. In this situation the best way to buy down the pound and commodity currencies. In this strategy, you can open long positions on the pound at 1.4400 with stop order at 1.4340 and 1.4970 for the purpose of

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