Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oil carried optimistic leap

Yesterday, oil prices have increased significantly, this is the greatest growth over the past three weeks. Prices of oil futures climbed to nearly 9%, and established on the basis of trades at the mark above $ 52 a barrel.

According to experts, the rise in oil prices associated with the expectations coming stabilize the world economy, after the leaders of the "big twenty agreed crisis package to stimulate the economy the volume of $ 1 trillion, as well as the weakening euro.

Experts are expected in the future, reducing supply, as the company reduced the development of new deposits, as OPEC is fulfilling its promise to reduce production. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting pledged to reduce the quota to 4.2 million barrels per day in the hope of an artificial rise in prices. According to experts, the organization has not completed the task, but they note a significant decline in shipments from the exporting countries.

It is estimated the company Oil Movements, it is expected that the supply of raw materials OPEC countries will drop by another 960 thousand barrels per day until mid-April. Oil companies and the ministers of the Persian Gulf countries warned that the fall in energy prices led to lower investment in a new production. "If prices stay low for a long time in the future growth of supply will not be possible, leading to another increase in prices", - said Qatari Energy Minister Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah. He said prices should podrasti to a level that supports investment. He called the $ 50 a barrel "pragmatic cost.

Against the backdrop of a significant increase in the prices of oil derivatives are also much energy went up. Thus, on the New York Stock Exchange price of RBOB gasoline rose by 7.1%, and the price of fuel oil - by 6,9%.

Head of analytical department of the CC "Alpari" Yegor Susin told "Ytru" that the fundamental objective preconditions for the rise in oil prices is almost non-existent. "Expectations that the economic situation improves, gives market participants a reason to hope for a recovery in demand for resources that provokes buying futures in oil by investment funds ... In view of the financial system free of serious capital, the impact of speculation on the markets can be quite strong. If oil prices can overcome the level of $ 55 per barrel, we can see new growth and the purchase of up to $ 70 a barrel, but it will not be long-term restoration of the market, "- he said.

Michael Zanozin, an analyst for the oil and gas company "Uralsib", said "Ytru" that, in general, in the year the price will be in the region of $ 47. Regarding the coming weeks, after the fixing of profit growth will be, due to the fact that oil reserves in the United States are at very high level since 1993.

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