Tuesday, April 21, 2009

VTB shareholders to compensate for loss of

Since the People's Bank VTB IPO quotes its shares dropped by 75%. In this situation, management of the bank offers to take unprecedented action - to compensate the shareholders of the loss. VTB President Andrei Kostin explained in an interview with the newspaper "Kommersant" why this is necessary. In 2007, VTB has held the world's largest banking IPO. The shares were sold at 13.6 kopecks. And now one share is worth less than 3,3 cop. Kostin said that preparing a number of suggestions on how to compensate individual losses which they suffered. "I think the base should be the same principle that applies to insurance of bank deposits. In other words, must be some minimum amount, which will be the same for everyone: for large and small investors", - said the president VTB. When asked when the economic recovery can begin, A. Kostin said: "Now it is impossible to predict when the market will recover. If you were once hopes that the crisis would last a year or one and a half, now, probably everyone is aware that its implications are very deep and full recover pre-crisis prices may not be earlier than the next few years. "

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