Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sistema has entered into an agreement with VTB "for the sale of 51% package of shares" Sistema-Hals "for 60 EUR

Sistema has entered into an agreement with the bank "VTB" for the sale of 51% package of shares of OJSC "Sistema-Hals". This is stated in the message AFC.

At the 1st stage of the transaction "VTB" for 30 rubles. bought 19.5% stake in the company and received a call-option to purchase a further 31.5% stake for EUR 30.

At the same time, the parties agreed on the terms of debt restructuring "Sistema-Hals" before "VTB".

Execution option is possible since the receipt of regulatory approval. However, Sistema dekonsolidiruet "System-Gals from their accounts at the first stage of the transaction - that is why it sold 31.5% shares of" daughter "developer - Gals Finance.

According to Russian legislation, a buyer for more than 30% of the voting shares of the company is obliged to make an offer to purchase shares of other shareholders.

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