Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"VTB" set the credit limit "RusGidro" in the amount of 6.25 billion EUR

"VTB" set the credit limit "RusGidro" of $ 6.25 billion rubles. This was the message the bank.

The limit is set at up to 2011

"Provision of OAO RusGidro 'ability to use the full range of financial instruments of the" VTB ", including those related to the financing of current activities, is among the priorities of the bank in the industry," - said the bank.

Total credit limits established by "VTB" to the enterprise the power industry, is about 30 billion rubles.

Recall that the JSC RusGidro "- the largest Russian Generation Company and the second in the world for hydro companies on the installed capacity. "RusGidro" brings together more than 25 GW hydro capacity.

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