Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rostelecom can send a dividend 30% profit for the year 2008

The Board of Directors of the Russian national carrier - Rostelecom - recommended that the annual meeting of shareholders on dividends to 30% of net profits, the report says the company. Thus, the percentage of net profits going to pay dividends on the basis of 2008, increase by 5% compared to 2007. At the end of 2008 net profit of "Rostelecom amounted to Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) 7072 billion rubles. The total amount of dividend payments "Rostelecom" for 2008 amount to 2121.6 million rubles. Dividends on preferred shares will be EUR 2.9124. per share on ordinary shares -1.9410 rub. per share. Aggregate payment for the preferred shares will be 707.2 million rubles., Or 10% of net profits "Rostelecom" for 2008 in RSA, the ordinary shares -1.4144 billion rubles., Or 20% of net profit. Holders of ADR "Rostelecom" will receive dividends at a rate of 1:6 in U.S. dollars through a financial intermediary. Annual meeting of shareholders held on 30 May 2009.

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