Sunday, April 5, 2009

The new plan for the U.S. government to normalize the banking system could lead to local success

Completion of the quarter in the financial markets can be quite happy to accept. Despite the fact that the situation in the world economy continues to deteriorate in such a frank pessimism that prevailed in the markets in early March, is no longer the case.

Hope is better than despair. Apparently, investors were guided by the motto of this, other than to explain such a rapid growth of stock indices around the world? Moreover. Stock indicators for the so-called BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) have demonstrated good momentum for 10 years.
For the sake of justice is worth noting that the reason for optimism (though very modest) does exist. The new plan for the U.S. government to normalize the banking system could lead to local success. At least, the idea of creating a public-private funds to buy problem assets from banks found their responses on the part of private investors. In other words, the world's largest private foundations willing to invest their funds in conjunction with the American government. No doubt that this kind of news will have a positive impact on the money market.
It's no secret that the lack of access to credit by non-financial business sector is one of the reasons for the deplorable state of the world economy. If the market believes in the success of U.S. authorities, this will lead to falling interest rates in the interbank market, and companies will be able to get at least a short-term financing. It hopes for a favorable outcome, and feed the market participants. Even the Russian Finance Minister Kudrin, who even a week ago looked like honest skeptics suddenly started talking about the possibility of restoring the world (and thus Russian) economy by the end of the year.
Indeed, despite the continuing fall in industrial production in the world, the pace of the slowdown is gradually slowing. And while the volume of stocks still high, a steady tendency to reduce them. Companies will sooner or later will have to replenish their inventory, and thus we can see some recovery of industrial production. Apparently, our Minister of Finance and other Russian monetary officials just looked at it. In fact, not at the same meeting of the leaders of the «Big twenty», from which miracles dozhdeshsya.


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