Friday, April 10, 2009

MTS - "Euroset": those who must

Yesterday evening, OAO Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) has sent "Euroset" notice of termination of dealer agreements, said the operator. The notice refers to the refusal of ITT contracts with commercial representation "Euroset" and recalls that the retailer is obliged to return the sim-card and discontinue any use of a trademark of MTS within 3 working days from the date of termination of treaties. April 7, ITT terminated with "Euroset" contract for the admission fees of subscribers, therefore, cooperation between companies is fully terminated. For its part, Euroset said that suspends cooperation with MTS and operator plans to claim, as it does not list a few months dealer a commission for the service subscribers. According to Euroset, ITT debt exceeded 740 million rubles. That the retailer intends to demand an immediate pay off. In doing so, the report says retailer, MTS does not put forward any claims to the quality of services provided by the company "Euroset" to attract subscribers. Meanwhile, MTS is called a false message retailer. And, as reported Interfax Director of Public Relations MTS Elena Kokhanovsky, the company intends to explore this issue for possible appeal to a court. According to E. Kokhanovsky, MTS should not be "Euroset" and, instead, require repayment retailer of about 1 billion rubles. During the summer of last year, ITT provided Euroset credit for $ 50 million (about 1.2 billion rubles. For then-rate). Of this loan "Euroset" to date has chosen about 700 million rubles. as a dealer's commission for the connection of the subscribers of MTS. The operator demanded that the "Euroset" to return the remaining 500 million rubles. As well as to pay about 400 million rubles. arrears of payments of subscribers. In addition, MTS argued that the "Euroset" must return the debt by sales of phones and a number of iPhone box products. Conflict of MTS and Euroset escalated in late March, when the MTS demanded retailer go to the other terms of cooperation on payment subscribers. April 1 deadline in effect since mid-last year spetssoglasheniya admission fees, pursuant to which ITT placed in Euroset deposit for quick replenishment of the accounts of subscribers, a retailer and then compensate the operator of these assets. MTS proposed to revert to previous practice - a deposit to ensure payment of the on-line to place a cellular operator Euroset.

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