Saturday, April 11, 2009

Microsoft introduced the 6 th Global Report on Information Security

Microsoft Corporation April 9th, 2009 introduced the 6-th issue of its Global Report Security Intelligence Report (SIR). This MFD-Info reported the press service of the company.

The total number of unique vulnerabilities as a result in 2008 declined by 12%, but more than half of them still have a high degree of risk.

«The results showed that the level of threats to information security remains high. We are seeing growth in the number of malicious software aimed at the critical vulnerabilities, as well as active methods hackers use social engineering - said Vladimir Mamykin, Director of Information Security, Microsoft Russia. - The main purpose of today are the usual malicious desktop applications and web browsers through which they steal personal data and bank accounts, ravaged by users ».

The sixth version of the report shows significant progress in the level of reliability of Microsoft's own products through the increased attention to security throughout the development process. Thus, the proportion of viruses aimed at the vulnerability of Microsoft software on computers with the operating system, Windows Vista, was only 5.5%.

The index of penetration of malicious code in Russia in the second half of 2008 grew by 58% compared to the first half and totaled 21.1. Since this indicator Russia ranks second in the world. The total number of network threats has increased by 6.8%, which is connected with more than 50 per cent increase in the number of viruses, worms, together constituting almost one-third of all malicious software in the country. At the same time, the United States and China continue to be the first two places on the number of web servers, rasproostranyayuschih malware.

Microsoft Experts note another, increasingly popular type of threat - the false anti-virus, also known as «scareware». These programs are typically designed to steal personal user data and obtaining money by fraud. The owners of machines infected with malicious software to install «antivirus», paying for it through the Internet or via bank transfer. The user gets only a short-term and often imaginary protection from malicious code. The two most common representative of this family were found on 1.5 million computers worldwide.

Despite the rapid growth of cyber-threats in all regions of the world most common causes of loss of data and the occurrence of violations in the security system to be lost and the theft of physical computer equipment, not the hacker attack. That's why Microsoft, together with other representatives of the IT industry will continue to develop the concept of «End-to-End Trust», aimed at creating a reliable hardware and software systems, which provide additional security at the level of physical equipment.

Based on the key findings of the study, Microsoft encourages the entire industry, legislative and executive authorities, as well as independent professionals, information security policy to continue to work together on creating new ways to curb cyber crime and protect users on the Internet.

Recall that the study is conducted twice a year based on statistics collected from millions of computers, and contains detailed information about the most common threat to companies and private users worldwide, and also the geographical distribution of malicious software.

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