Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"Tatneft" in I quarter has reduced its oil production at 2.3% to 6.348 million tonnes

OJSC "Tatneft" in January-March 2009 compared with the corresponding figure the previous year reduced its oil production at 2.3% to 6.348 million tonnes of the message indicates the company.

In particular, in March, "Tatneft" produced 2.193 million tonnes of oil, which is 1.4% below the same period last year.

During the reporting period were built and handed over to customers 80 wells, including OAO "Tatneft" - 64 wells (60 operating and four exploratory).

Recall that "Tatneft" is engaged in exploration, development and production of oil, the republic of Tatarstan has a "golden share" of the company. The main shareholder of "Tatneft" (30.44% of the share capital) is the state JSC "Svyazinvestneftehim.

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