Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hypothec shared by "all" and "elite"

Agency to restructure mortgage loans (ARIZHK) is willing to review the criteria for restructuring the mortgage loans in the event of deteriorating economic situation in the country. "

Director Andrew ARIZHK Languages, stated that "if the growth problem would be in danger, we are ready to revise these criteria mortgages.

At the same time, the head of the agency recalled that the State is willing to help only those borrowers that are really in need. "The main criteria - it must be the only shelter for the living, - said director. - The State is not ready to provide support to owners of luxury housing."

He also said that ARIZHK have revised the standards in terms of size of living area and assess the maximum value of one square meter. However, "the chief ipotechnik refused to name the number of mortgage loans that have already refinanced ARIZHK. "It is important that the program works. The mechanism operates stably. The carrying capacity is quite high," - he added.

According to Andrew Yazykov, the ARIZHK currently sufficient resources to carry out refinance mortgage loans throughout 2009. If necessary, our capital will enhance. "Go about this is not worth it. The program will operate and then" - he concluded.

At the same time zamgendirektora Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) Andrey Semenyuk said that the mortgage refinancing should be done not only at the expense of the State, and that today is being actively debated whether to be able to invest the Pension Fund, administered by the state company.

Recall that under the rules AHML, for assistance in the restructuring of the mortgage loan can be calculated under the following conditions: the cost of 1 square meter of an apartment shall not exceed the fair market value of more than 50%. The area acquired through a mortgage of housing should not exceed 50 square meters. meters, if it lives, one person, for a couple - 35 sq. km. meters per person, for a family of three or more persons -30 sq. km. meters per person.

The loan agreement must be concluded prior to 1 December 2008, its volume can not exceed the maximum size set standards for each region, and the size of the loan to value of collateral - 90%.

Pretending to restructure the borrower before the financial crisis should not have been allowed to delay payment of more than 90 days.

Restructuring of loans made under the three schemes: in the first scheme of the so-called stabilization loan is granted by the borrower's own funds ARIZHK, the amount of the loan equal to 12 monthly payments. Tranches are listed on the account of the borrower in the bank each month, the borrower pays only the monthly interest for the stabilization loan ARIZHK.

The second scheme provides that a stabilization loan, is also equal to 12 monthly payments, the borrower provides a creditor bank at their own expense. Tranches are listed monthly at the expense of the borrower in the bank and the borrower pays the monthly interest for a stabilization loan of creditor banks.

In the case of this scheme ARIZHK may hold the refinancing of the stabilization loan from the bank-creditor.

The third scheme provides for a mixed contract, under which money provided by the borrower at the same time ARIZHK and creditor banks.

The amount of the loan equal to the balance of the debt on the loan. The amount of funds provided ARIZHK, equal to 12 monthly payments, but does not exceed 20% of the total combined contract.

The borrower initially covers full credit, and the new loan is repaid through the payment within the grace period fixed sum not exceeding one half of payments under the original loan, but at the same time, the amount of payment is not less than 500 rubles.

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