Thursday, April 9, 2009

George Soros that which struck the Bank of England

George Soros was born in 1930 in Budapest, in poor Jewish family. Father George Soros - Tivadar Schwartz - was a prominent lawyer and specialist in Esperanto. Like many Jewish families, his family in 1936 changed the name to the Hungarian style - Shorosh. In 1947, the Soros family migrated to Britain to escape the repression and using forged documents. There, George enrolled at the London School of Economics, which has successfully graduated three years later. His inspirer became lecturer Karl Popper, Austrian philosopher and teacher. Soros was not able to immediately find a job in a bank, so he worked at the haberdashery factory, then became a commercial.

1956 marks the beginning of the financial career of George Soros. Then, at the invitation of his father's friend in London named Myers Soros moved to the United States, where he waited in the brokerage firm on Wall Street.

At the beginning of its activities, George has the international tribunal, that is, buying securities in one country and sold in another. Soros has also created a new type of arbitration - the domestic arbitration, which was sold at a combined securities warrant, the shares before they can be formally separated from each other.

The first serious damage to the business of Soros suffered in 1963 due to the introduction of President Kennedy surcharge on foreign investment.

Perhaps precisely because of the collapse of the first business was the biggest success possible Soros on the new assignment. In 1969, Soros became president and co-owner of Double Eagle Fund, which later grew into the famous fund «Quantum» (Quantum Group). The Fund had lived through speculative trading in securities that have brought millions of dollars in profits fund. Thus by 1990 the capital «Quantum» has already reached $ 10 billion, but so far everyone invested in the fund has already become a U.S. $ 5.5 thousand.

15 September 1992 - the most important financial transaction in the life of George Soros. As a result of the actions of the Soros English pound has fallen by 12%, and for one day, George Soros on speculative operations earned more than a billion dollars. This event became known as «black environment», and the Soros understandably called this Wednesday «white». George Soros has been called a man, which hit the Bank of England.

The next loud event in the world, connected with the name of George Soros - is the collapse of 1997. And Soros had made an attack on the economies of the Asian region: Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines, which resulted in economies of these countries were brought and dropped in its development for ten or fifteen years ago. Another aim of the Soros was China, but the joint efforts of local expertise, the crisis was averted.

At the financial successes of Soros ends. In 1997, he has invested over a billion dollars in OJSC «Svyazinvest» and losing those attachments, because Goskomsvyazi decides not to pay a private investor and uses the investment for the development of communications.

In the future, George Soros departed from business and devoted his life to philanthropy.

As George Soros has come to success

George Soros earned his fortune, estimated at $ 8.5 billion, playing for a fall ( «bear» tactics), and using his «theory of reflexivity stock markets». This theory suggests that market participants buy and sell securities in accordance with their expectations, and as the expectations - the category of psychological, they can influence the information. Soros' attack on the currency of any country consisted of a series of successive attacks by the media and analytical publications (forecasting market) and real loosen foreign exchange market activities of speculators.

Virtually all major speculative transactions carried out by Soros, through his offshore company classified «Quantum Fund NV», registered in the Netherlands Caribbean island of CuraƧao. It is the largest fund within the group of funds controlled by Soros, «Quantum Group of Funds».

There are two main viewpoints on the reasons for the success of Soros:

1. All of his success attributed to the financial gift of foresight.

2. A more prosaic version: your luck is required Soros insider information he received from the Governments of different countries and their intelligence agencies and the financial community. Proponents of conspiracy theories involve the Soros group of powerful international financiers who are the «gray Cardinal» world order and are based mainly in the United States, Britain and Switzerland. The core of this group is considered to be the Rothschild family, as well as the scandalously famous American billionaire Marc Rich, Shaul Eyzenberg, Rafi Eitan and other powerful financial tycoons.

In favor of the latest version of the fact that in 2002 George Soros was convicted of obtaining confidential information and using them for financial gain, and the Paris court sentenced him to a $ 2.2-million fine, because the court was able to gain so much Soros speculation on the shares of French bank Societe Generale.


It is estimated the magazine Business Week, on charitable activities, George Soros has spent more than $ 5 billion, of which one billion - in Russia. In 1979, Soros opened the first in the United States of America Charitable Foundation «Open Society Fund». Currently, Soros is spending on non-profit projects of about $ 300 million a year.

In Soviet Russia, and charitable foundations Soros failed. The first fund «Cultural Initiative», founded in 1988, was later closed because of the use of allocated funds to develop a culture of personal responsibility to individuals. From 1996 to 2001, Soros invested $ 100 million in the program «University Centers Internet», resulting in Russia has 33 Internet-center. In 2004 it was closed most of the Soros Foundation in Russia, and they stopped giving grants. However, many projects continue to exist without the participation of their founder: it is the International Charitable Fund of DS Likhachev, Moscow School of Social and Economic Science, Foundation for Culture and Art «Institute PRO ARTE», a non-profit fund to support publishing, education and new information technology «Pushkin Library».

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