Friday, April 17, 2009

ForexAuto - automated trading system

A set of programs ForexAuto allows users Rumus2 (trading platform of ForexClub) the opportunity to automate its trading system. ForexAuto is also a tool of trade - you can test and optimize your system, written in the language of Rumus2 RuLang.

The system allows ForexAuto:

1. Open / close the transaction on your signal indicator, written in RuLang;
2. Send a message about opening / closing of the transaction, the price reaching a certain level of SMS or email. mail;
3. Show message in a Windows window on your screen;
4. To give voice messages when opening / closing transactions prices reaching a certain level;
5. To test the trading system (the calculation of indicators of the profitability of the Trading System -% profitable transactions, the maximum Drawdown, the average profitability of the transaction, the average unprofitableness transaction, gross profit, gross loss of points and the USD and other indicators);
6. Optimize trading system (changing any of the parameters of the system, you will see how this change will affect its financial performance).

The set includes:
1. Indicator-the template for RuLang with testing capabilities (adding the code of the indicator, you can test your system);
2. Program Alerter - showing and sending messages, the opening / closing transactions (start, when the indicator template gives the signal to open or close a position);
3. Instructions for configuring your system.

To use ForexAuto:

# You must have an account at ForexClub
# Your computer must be connected to the internet and was launched Rumus2
# On the desktop Rumus2 should be based on the indicator, the template containing the code to Rulang, responsible for the logic of your trading system.

There comes a time when your trading system gives a signal to open a position (eg for sale). According to the chosen parameters of the indicator template ForexAuto should show a warning on the screen and open a position in your account through the program Alerter.

To create a mechanical system using ForexAuto:

# Add code to RuLang, responsible for the logic of your system in the indicator template.
# Select display template parameter automatic opening / closing positions.

Indicator-the template allows you to test your trading system calculating trading system performance such as:
# Profit in points and USD
# Percentage of profitable transactions
# The average profit or loss on the transaction in paragraphs
# Maximum Drawdown of the transaction and for the period, etc.

You can also optimize your trading system, increase profits and reduce risks, changing any of the parameters of your trading system indicator template. You will see how this change will affect the financial performance of the system as a whole.

Currently available version 1.0 of ForexAuto.

In the licensed version (cost - $ 100) implemented all the declared functions ForexAuto, in beta (trial) - the same set of features, but with limited time (7 days).


Unfortunately, not so long ago, as a result of changes in the language Rulang, made by "Forex Club" program ForexAuto began to work properly. It is likely that this action seeks to remove from the market ForexAuto, which is not beneficial ForexClub'u as people bought ForexAuto have the opportunity to test their system before it will work, but will not immediately lose money on a real account if the system would suddenly unprofitable.

It is difficult to say what version of Rumus2 place these unpleasant developments, but in the version 1.1.10 is still working properly.

Team ForexAuto try to find a solution to this problem in the near future, and yet offer the above version Rumus2, even more so that its capacity is enough to create almost any MTS. In an extreme case, you can install two versions Rumus2 simultaneously.

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