Friday, April 17, 2009

Forex Strategy Builder

Forex Strategy Builder - program for creating and testing strategies in the online stock exchange trading Forex. Forex Strategy Builder creates the real conditions for the trade test, operating in this market data.

Contains many technical indicators and parameters, different types of interpolation of data, provides an opportunity to compare the results of strategies, policies and automatic generator built Optimizer parameters and technical indicators. Forex Strategy Builder provides comprehensive information on all of the transactions and trading transactions, as well as detailed statistics on stock market data and the results of the chosen strategy.

The program requires no installation and provides examples of strategies.

Using Forex Strategy Builder, you can develop a trading strategy by combining technical indicators. All the necessary parameters and logic, you can ask without writing formulas or code.

To test the strategies you can use historical data from various currency pairs and time periods.

There are detailed charts, statistics, and magazines that reflect all transactions and positions, as well as changes in your demo account.

Forex Strategy Builder - a useful tool for gaining the skills of technical analysis.

Features of Forex Strategy Builder:

* A large number of technical indicators, methodologies and parameters
* Different methods of interpolation values of each bar
* Ability to compare results of different methods
* Automatic generator Forex Strategies
* Optimizer parameters and technical indicators
* Comprehensive information on all orders and transactions
* Detailed statistics of the results of trade

Democratic Strategy
Demo strategies are included with the program and demonstrate the use of indicators in technical analysis trading systems.

* Demo optimizer - useful for testing the Optimizer (Optimizer). Open Optimizer, check all the checkbox and click "Optimize". It can identify up to 6500 pips profit.
* Demo scanner - a scanner and a comparison of methods
* Jar Jar EURUSD 1H - user strategy
* MACD reversal - the demonstration of a strategy for closure and turning (Close and Reverse)
* New - strategy by default when you run

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