Thursday, April 9, 2009

Euroset and MTS - Mobile confrontation

For several days, mobile phone operator MTS does not accept payments from customers through a retail point of Euroset, accusing the retailer of non-performance of contract terms and non-payment of debt. As it became known "Vedomosti," the staff "Euroset" sent an information letter, signed by Director of the Moscow region retail sales Euroset Marina Kucherenko, which states that at the moment with the MTS is complex, and a great chance to make a lot of connections, Beeline and Megafon. In addition, according to the document on 7 April from salons need to remove all advertising materials MTS, and the base wage rate for the sale of contracts with MTS will not be charged. And come over sim-card of the MTS to sell contracts to customers of other operators. But in the letter emphasizes that berate the quality of services can not be MTS. Press Secretary Euroset Natalia Aristova but confirmed that the letter distribution in the company, but calls it fabrication. Its not all staff have received, it is not appropriate under the standards of the company, and security service now ascertain the authorship of the letter, said N. Aristova. She believes that this document "discredits the work of the operators" and contrary to what direction to tell sellers. At the same time, it recognized that if the caller is important to pay for services in a particular point of Euroset, vendors recommend that a convenient operator, ie, competitors MTS. In autumn last year, 49.9% Euroset bought "VimpelCom" (trade name "Beeline"), but FAS, giving permission for a transaction must "VimpelCom" or create suppliers Euroset discriminatory terms. A letter signed by M. Kucherenko may be signs of prescriptions, but it needs to be explored, said "Vedomosti" Head of the FAS Timothy Nizhegorodtsev.

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