Friday, April 17, 2009

Euro / dollar. Technical opinion

Euro / dollar fell, the sample, a minimum of 9 April at $ 1.3090, as well as the correction of 50% growth from $ 1.2459 to $ 1.3739. Thus, under the threat level was 61.8% correction at $ 1.2948, although this time it is below the foundation of daily strips Bollindzhera, which coincides with the 55-day moving average at $ 1.3010. Bulls must be the restoration of above $ 1.3350.

RES 4: $ 1.3528 former support line on March 5
RES 3: $ 1.3440 intermediate line resistance of 23 March
RES 2: $ 1.3340 21 Day Moving Average
RES 1: $ 1.3235 5-Day Moving Average

current exchange rate of euro / dollar: $ 1.3089

SUP 1: $ 1.3073 hour minimum
SUP 2: $ 1.3010 55-day moving average, the base band Bollindzhera
SUP 3: $ 1.2948/90 61.8% from $ 1.2459 - $ 1.3739, a maximum of 23 February
SUP 4: $ 1.2870 up to March 16

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