Monday, April 20, 2009

Economic recession would be "unusually long"

The current economic recession in the world promises to be "unusually long and harsh," feared the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This is due to the fact that the current economic slowdown stems from the financial crisis, says new IMF report on the situation in the global economy. Excerpts from the report published April 16, Press Service of the IMF. After analyzing the business cycle in the leading economies in 1960., The IMF argues that the current recession "atypical", as manifested in a synchronized decline in economic activity worldwide, caused by the financial crisis. The combination of these factors mean that the way out of recession will be long and heavy. According to experts Fund, under the present conditions the methods of monetary policy are less effective, while the first plan should go up the fiscal incentives. This crisis should be "coordinated and aggressive." IMF data show that the "typical" recession lasts about 1 year, but setbacks like this are on average one and a half times longer.

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