Wednesday, April 22, 2009

America is waiting for the second wave of devaluation of the ruble

American analysts were skeptical the statement by the Central Bank of Russian Federation on the stabilization of the ruble. On the stock market waiting for the second wave of the crisis and the devaluation of the second wave. There are currently sites in the sale of the Chicago futures exchanges in 2010 to the dollar gives about 38 rubles. According to the Central Bank, the dollar - 34.1 EUR.

Writes columnist portal, a futures contract for the supply of Russian rubles in June 2009 on the Chicago Stock Exchange is 34.83 EUR. per dollar, with delivery in September - 36.08 rbl., in December 2009 - EUR 37,13. March 2010, the ruble is even cheaper - for the period rate of 38 rubles. the dollar. According to, the Chairman of the Bank of Russia Alexei Ulyukaeva, a second wave of devaluation may be caused by two factors - the non and low tax collection. «Overdue loans will be forced to repay the state by providing subordinated loans to debtors, or enter directly into bank stock, - she explains. - A poor collection of taxes could lead to a budget deficit larger than predicted. This also creates pressure on the issuing ruble », - quotes a specialist Infox.

Meanwhile, the trade surplus in Russia for the first two months of 2009 have already fallen to 13 billion dollars, writes This two and a half times less than during the same period in 2008, when the surplus exceeds the 33 billion dollars. Again, the impact of a global financial crisis.

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