Tuesday, February 2, 2010

BetterVolume_1.4 MT4 Indicator

Red Bar - a wide range bolshoyobem (climax bar). It can be observed at the beginning of an uptrend, vkontse uptrend and the continuation of the downtrend.

The green bar - a narrow range, vysokiyobem (highchurnbar). It may be observed at the beginning of an uptrend at the end of the uptrend and downtrend to continue ..

White bar - low volume, shirokiydiapazon (lowchurnbar). It may be observed at the bases, tops, and the continuation of the uptrend.

Yellow bar - low volume, nizkiydiapazon. There in ibid. where low churnbar (white bars).

Bar color magenta-climax of the volume, plus high volume churn - a rare combination.



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