Monday, February 22, 2010

RBC. This week, Bernanke will be the star of the screen

According to analysts RBC, this week's star news channels will be Ben Bernanke, speaking before Congress in accordance with the Humphrey-Hawkins Act. Many expect to get answers to questions that have arisen as a result of raising the discount rate the Central Bank last week. "However, we do not believe that the Bank will change the nature of his comments, noted in the bank. In general, this event is seen as key for the euro / dollar. In early U.S. session, the pair rebounded from a minimum of 1.3585 and reached 1.3630 level. Traders point out a possible quasi-official interest in sales in this area during the European session. Break above 1.3630/35 results in the movement to 1.3655. Technical traders are watching this level, both for the restoration of order on Friday and started to sell from this point with a tight stop.

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