Friday, May 1, 2009

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A recession the U.S. economy may already be completed by late summer 2009., The experts of American Institute for the Study of business cycles (ECRI). This research organization with extensive experience in forecasting economic cycles turn, said that some important indicators have already turned in the direction of growth, transmits television channel CNBC.

"Region recession finally came in sight," - said ECRI. Restoration could begin in the coming months.

The Institute said that its leading indicators correctly predicted the current recession. In particular, the weekly index of future economic growth (Weekly Leading Index, WLI) turned down in June 2007. And the recession "officially" occurred in December 2007.

Remember, the latest data on U.S. GDP signals slowdown of economic collapse. According to preliminary data, the U.S. GDP in the I quarter of 2009. decreased by 6.1% in annual terms. In the IV quarter of 2008. U.S. GDP fell by 6.3%, while in the III quarter of 2008. - At 0.5%.

In the decline of GDP in 2009. main contribution has made the reduction of exports, consumer spending, sales of hardware and software. The negative impact of these factors were partly offset by increased costs from the state budget dollars.

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