Thursday, May 28, 2009

United Kingdom: Gordon Brown: The restoration of world trade in the main priority

At the G20 meeting in London in April, leaders agreed to invest 250 billion dollars on the development of international trade over the next two years. In addition, the first steps towards optimizing the control of trade and investment. Such action would remove most trade barriers have become an obstacle to the development of the World Trade Organization / WTO /.
The Governments of the Greater twenty concerned that international trade and investment came under the greatest pressure from the financial crisis. Falling exports have forced companies to reduce production, close plants and fire workers. Previously, it was expected that the largest fall survive the country with the greatest financial component of the economic infrastructure, but current events make it possible to conclude the conclusion that, under high pressure were of the most linked to international trade. Japanese exporters have lost half of its foreign market, according to a study in the first quarter of this year, compared with the same period of 2008. The volume of exports from China fell by 17% per year, which was accompanied by a loss of 26 million jobs. Exports of United States fell by 30%, imports by 34% in the first quarter, in annual terms. In the Eurozone's largest economy, Germany, exports declined by an average of 20% in the same period.
"Recovery in the global economy will not, unless we address the problem of trafficking. Foreign trade has become the only source of growth in the economies of Japan, the United States, most European countries, in post-war period. The Asian economies also grew in the last decade, only through international trade. To exit the world economy from recession, we must ensure that the revival of world trade, "- said Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

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