Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Gazprom oil" may pay dividends for 2008 of EUR 5.4. per share

At the end of 2008 "Gazprom oil" may pay dividends in the amount of EUR 5.4. 1 ordinary share. This amount of dividends board of directors recommends acceptance of the annual general meeting of shareholders of "Gazprom oil", which is scheduled for 22 June 2009. As stated in a communication company, a list of persons to participate in the assembly will be formed as of May 15. During 2007 the amount of dividends also is 5,4 EUR. per share. Total for the payment of dividends was 26.5 billion rubles. That one-third less than in 2006. In 2006, "Gazprom Neft has paid EUR 8.0822. per share (more than 38 billion rubles.). In addition, at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 14 May decided to tentatively approve and submit to the shareholders' meeting an annual report of 2008, as well as annual financial statements of OAO "Gazprom oil" for the year 2008 prepared in accordance with Russian legislation. The Board of Directors also considered information on the selection of the auditing organization to implement a mandatory annual audit of Gazprom oil "and introduced the candidacy of ZAO" PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit "on the approval of the general meeting of shareholders of OJSC" Gazprom oil "auditor.

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