Friday, May 22, 2009

VTB 24 (JSC): Markets bounce up, but determined on the next two sessions will be the dynamics of the U.S. stock market

Markets bounce up, but determined on the next two sessions will be the dynamics of the U.S. stock market

Our expectations of growth of quotations of shares during the current session are justified. And the Russian and European equity markets (DAX +0.9%, FTSE +0.7%) otygryvayut yesterday's losses. Futures on the S & P500, finally retreated from yesterday's closing level and stay in the positive zone (+0.7%), warned confidence in the positive opening of bidding for the oceans. The latter - it is very important for stock markets, because of the weekend in the United States on Monday from today's session in New York would be an indicator for determining the outside of our market over the next two working days.

The main paper adds to the present time, 1-5%. And once again the growth leader in the banking sector, as «prefy» Sberbank, as yesterday, fleeing ahead of the market (+9%) in an effort to catch up to run away in the last few days ahead «obychki». In the second echelon are allocated shares of AFK Sistema (+5% ) and «prefy» Rostelekom (+5%). The game continues on the reform of Svyazinvest, which noticeably and zabidovannym stankanam share of regional telecom. An additional positive for the AFC system has information on filing an application in MTS FAS for approval to purchase 100% of Comstar. Thus, Sistema Comstar sells its main «daughter», that is evaluated very positively by investors. Sistema Shares today updated its local maximum, although up to align the quotations on the MICEX and LSE is still very far - a difference of more than 45%.

Continued otygryvanie market crisis plan AVTOVAZ (+3%). Morning quotes Automobile securities rose by more than 10%, right now this game can be considered to enhance the final.

Despite the fact that today there is no significant release of statistics, tonight is very important for the stock market, because so much depends on the outcome of the U.S. session. The main thing is that the level of 879 points on the S & P500 Index was not penetrate. In this case, on Monday will be expected to continue recovery and on the Russian stock market. The fall of the same index S & P500 below this level will need to be taken as a signal for the closing of speculative long positions on the Russian «chip».

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