Friday, May 22, 2009

IC "Aton": Oil is the market up

Oil leads the market upwards

Today, trading on the Russian market opened in positive zone in spite of negative closure of U.S. indexes. In favor of a negative opening and said minus Asia, however, Russian indices confidently began to add in the first minute of bidding. Thus, at the opening of the MICEX index rose by 0,86%, RTS gained 0.05%. By noon the shift of traffic on the Russian market has not happened. As at 13.00 RTS index rose by 1.5%, the MICEX index - by 2,9%.

In the best performing paper oil. By 13.00 stock quotes «Rosneft» climbed to 2,33%, «Lukoil» - on 1,86%, «Surgutneftegaz» - on 3,04%. Traditionally, a tool for growth stocks in this sector is the rise in oil prices, which are kept near the mark of $ 62 per barrel.

The second day in the wake growth of paper manufacturers. Undisputed driving force here were ordinary shares «Autovaz», showing during the day increase in 12% of paper Sollers today went to 2.15%.

Divergent trends show metallurgists. Thus, «Norilsk nickel» has added 1,3%, «Severstal» reduced by 0.66%, NLMK is losing 0.5%. It should be noted that, despite the strengthening of the price of gold up to $ 950 per troy ounce, the maximum value over the past 2 months, today's trend of shares «PolyusZolota» negative.

In the telecommunications sector, there is divergent evolution. Against the backdrop of high dividends MTS shares AFC «Systems» (as the major shareholder), up by 5.4%, holding company may receive from their mobile daughter some 600 million continues to point to the growth of MDR. Promotions «Dalsvyaz» grow up with one hand on a background of strong results for 2008 under IFRS, on the other - against the backdrop of strong pereprodannosti compared to other LDCs. Shares of MTS had grown up after yesterday's drop, now active in these securities is low, investors are waiting out the results for the first quarter, which should appear today, as well as statements by management of the company.

To date, scheduled a series of corporate events. Thus, as mentioned above, until the end of the day MTS plans to account for the 1 st quarter of 2009 on the US GAAP. Besides the annual meeting of shareholders to be held by CMI and «Dorogobuzh».

At present we do not emphasize the important developments and news or in the United States nor in Europe, so the dynamics of the Russian market will be largely determined by domestic news background and the dynamics of oil prices.

Analyst company «ATON» Elena Shishkina

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