Wednesday, May 20, 2009

FG Tserih ": Results of the day. Markets forgotten about the state of the economy and Zakusilo bits

The outcome of the day. Markets forgotten about the state of the economy and Zakusilo bits

Today, auctions are conducted in a calm and even than the previous day. But the market was quite emotional. Opened near the previous day's closing levels of the market made a small nod-down, but this initiative has not been supported. As a result, prices began to rise and major actions rather quickly exceeded the maximum levels of yesterday. Then, after a slight downgrade, the price continued to rise. It should be noted that the rise in prices in the market is actively supported by shopping in world stock markets. But the most important thing was that oil prices are stubbornly did not want to be corrected by the levels of recent highs, and they slowly but persists in the new. But after passing through the zone of uncertainty flew up as if it was not before more than a half fold increase from the minimum levels. U.S. light crude oil prices WTI easily overcame the level of 61 dollar per barrel. All this was accompanied by (and enhance) the further weakening of the dollar.

The graph euro-dollar drew classical piece «cup with handle», which, after further short euro higher levels of 1,37 dollars for euro as a strong signal for the sales dollar, and hence the continuation of current trends in the markets. But this we know only in the coming days.

Prevailed today in the stock market optimism was mainly a flat - obscherynochnym. Virtually all liquid stocks rose in price, but it is possible to allocate some of the most visible leaders. First, it shares the banking sector and in particular shares of Sberbank, which are now once again a decent trading volume grew two times faster than the market. There continue to be felt strategic purchase. The prices of shares of the Bank had already flown up to 40 rubles apiece. In so doing, we move to triple the price for an incomplete three months. Shares of Sberbank shareholders to ensure a very high return on investment.

Stars the values pereshagnuvshimi threshold of ten per cent growth, the steel stocks Inter RAO UES. At the last meeting of the Board of Directors of Inter RAO UES decided to hold a shareholders meeting. As far below NAV CC, the agenda for the meeting of the shareholders put the question of reduction of the authorized capital to bring its size in line with the value of the assets of the company. Thereby increasing the weight of the current shareholders of the company. After such a reduction would take place INTER RAO UES plans to conduct additional issue of shares in favor of several state structures in order to attract investment funds. But it would be in the longer term.

Very active were buying shares in telecommunication companies. Preference shares Rostelekom shares SPC VolgaTelecom and added more than ten percent. Perhaps, buying in the sector are linked with the discussion as the basic version of the reorganization of "Svyazinvest" the creation by means of seven inter-regional communication companies (MRK), based on Rostelekom federal telecommunications company. The history of Sviazinvest market already sees as a fairy tale «about a white bull». However, interestingly, continues to listen and respond.

RTS again overcame the mark of 1000 points, but did not stop there, but surely it has overcome, and, in one fell swoop, surpassed the maximum level of one-week ago. It is clear that the rapid increase in the RTS index is heated further fall in the dollar. However, the growth of the MICEX index was not too weak: for the day, the index gained 5.08%, reaching values of 1094.73 points.

Today, the market beyond optimistic. Money finance investments found objects. Given the state of the economy, we can not share such a powerful optimism. But stay away from the celebration of life is not very clever.

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