Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Situation of FOREX, 18.05.09

Euro and U.S. dollar on Monday rose to session highs against the Japanese yen, as well as the propensity for risk continued to gain strength against the backdrop of growth stock quotes. The growth in the stock market contributed to the request of traders to risk, and reducing stock quotes again prompts traders to buy currencies like the dollar and the yen. Pair of Euro / yen rose to 129.85, a pair of Dole / yen - up to 96.14. This is a significant change, given that prior to the North American session the pair had reached the lowest values for many weeks. Stock indices in the week will continue to have great impact on the currency market, given that is not expected to publish a large amount of data. That is the point of view of strategic analysts. Earlier, the euro, Australian dollar and British pound also reached an intraday highs against the U.S. dollar. In doing so, analysts added that the currency exchange fluctuation in the foreign exchange market within the former range. These fluctuations will continue to depend on changes in equity markets. Dara Maher, deputy head of currency strategy at Calyon London, believes that the currency will likely be traded in the current ranges, is not yet clarified the key points for the stock markets. These are the condition of American banks and plans of the Ministry of Finance of the United States. Around noon on Monday in New York on a pair of Euro / dollar traded at 1.3497 on EBS system, compared with 1.3488 on Friday evening. The pair dollar / yen traded at 96.13 compared with 95.10. The pair euro / yen traded at 129.75 compared with 128.28. A pair of British pound / dollar traded at 1.5302 compared with 1.5175. The pair dollar / Swiss franc traded at 1.1185 compared with 1.1224 on Friday evening. Yen on Monday, probably also felt pressure from the decisions of rating agencies Moody's to lower the debt ratings of Japan in foreign currency. Yen also experienced pressure from the speech Kazuyuki Sugimoto, Deputy Minister of Finance of Japan. Sugimoto said on Monday that the Japanese Government continues to closely monitor the situation on the foreign exchange market following the recent strengthening of the yen. "The negative impact of excessive market volatility on the economy and financial markets is undesirable" - Sugimoto said at a regular press conference. Some analysts believe that growth in the propensity to take risks can also be connected with the elections in India.

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