Friday, May 22, 2009

AKB "Absolut Bank": It seems that investors are set to continue growth, the basis for which could be a trend in commodity markets

Deputy Chief of the Division of fiduciary Absolut Bank Ivan Fomenko:
At the Russian trading floors today, there is a positive attitude. Most blue «chips» showing upward momentum. This ambient background mixed: the eve of the U.S. market traded in a negative manner, then the Asian indicators also showed decline. However, on the trading floors of Europe observed the purchase. Also among the factors that have supported the Russian securities may be noted an increase in commodity prices: the falling dollar against the backdrop of continued oil price and metal, industrial, and precious. In addition, the recovery of quotes contributed news from China, where according to published data of increased imports of crude oil in April. Demand for crude from China, as well as for industrial metals persists.

In this regard, the interest for investors, representing shares of oil and gas and steel companies, which showed the greatest rate of increase of paper «Gazprom petroleum», «Rosneft», «Surgutneftegaz», «Polimetall» and «Severstal».

There continues to look better than the market shares of the banking segment and, above all, «prefy» «Sberbank», however, the ordinary shares of the issuer also enjoy high demand in the background of global trends.

Apparently, investors are set for continued growth, the basis for which could be a trend in commodity markets. However, several alarming situation in American markets, where on the one hand there is stabilization in the financial sector, and with another - identifying problems such as the bankruptcy of General Motors and the weakening of the dollar on world currency.

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