Friday, January 30, 2009

Interviews with the executive director Kalita-Finance

Interviews with the executive director Kalita-Finance

- Your opinion on how the case dealing with the development in the Forex market in Russia?

- On the part of the situation can be characterized as the formation, with one of the main issues - the legal vacuum. The result - jazz versions of the business development, frequent maintenance and development in the offshore areas of bukmekerstva. A special way - "Kalita Finance, where the contractual framework is built on the basis of the tax code.
On the part of clients - this is, first, distrust, and secondly, the ignorance of the subject. But in the west Forex - the same tool investment, as well as others. One:

- How do you see in the future prospects for the overall development of the situation?

- Russia is moving towards integration into the world community, so sooner or later the financial markets, including foreign exchange, there will be a boom. How quickly that happens depends on many factors such as economic development and legislation, the growth of human well-being: The broker / dealer of foreign exchange market would survive a few of the current representatives - those who show greater flexibility, efficiency, cleanliness, creativity, etc.

- Which companies are the most powerful players today? How do you feel about your competitors?

- First, those companies that have, first, to have a solid "experience" of work in this market and unassailable, and secondly, the competitive conditions. And those very few. With regard to competition, the direct competitor to us very little. KB began work on the Forex with private individuals (draft over a year ago, choosing a niche ruble Forex as the most ambitious and covered. We are studying this new direction for them, without risking serious money, with the most favorable terms. In general, however, to compete in our attitude, I believe, the most normal - healthy competition is always important for the clients, brokers and dealers. For companies, it does not "stagnate" zakostenevat. We are not afraid of competition, I would even say that at this stage, we will create it, rather than fighting it.

- Is there a need for the establishment and development of resources such as ForexTimes?

- Absolutely. Such resources as ForexTimes, are a very important element for the development of precisely this healthy competition and make an invaluable contribution to the development of market information services in general. Many supposedly independent resources on the subject involved a "protalkivaniem" of certain companies, creating an artificial boom around some, and frankly umalchivaya or other polivaya mud. What I personally like to ForexTimes - is the largest of the known resources me equidistance to all broker-dealers Forex, with the most informative. I hope this trend will continue in the future.

- What are the plans "Kalita-Finance for the future?

They are really great. Indeed, the draft - only one of the activities of a group of companies "Kalita-Finance." But even there zadumok very much. Here, and the stock and money markets, the project software for trading and dealing Incidentally, the latter now in the special control - to the anniversary of "Kalita-Finance (04 October 1999), we have prepared an updated trading terminal iTrader, who introduced this week, along with other gifts to our clients. Of course, this is a small short-term problem, in general, much larger projects. Work in full swing, has recently moved to more spacious office - the state is growing, a lot of problems. "Kalita-Finance is determined to stay on the market long and seriously.

Mikhail Novikov (October 2003)
Especially for ForexTimes.RU

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