Saturday, January 31, 2009

Features of the national trade

No, probably it is in the blood of the population one-sixth of the land ... Everybody knows where it is free cheese, and many know about it, that "we are not so rich to buy cheap things, and still are very fond of halyavu. Even though not stoprotsentnaya ball, but to a less expensive ... So we buy the product in unlimited quantities of the Polish-Turkish-Chinese friendship, klyuem on the pyramid and all the confidence in the two hundred per cent per annum.
Almost the same can be said about the work on international currency markets. What do you think, where the bulk of the clients of brokerage firms, allowing the side of more than 1 00 and a minimum deposit of USD 1 000? True, they probably say porusski! And then you can not particularly straining to make a simple human desire to get where cheaper. As you select a thousand?
Very simply. Suppose you nachitalis on enrichment at the Stock and decided to try. You are getting so protected and hidden from his wife one thousand dollars, and start looking for a suitable office. You in the eye popadaetsya advertising company that offers such an environment: the shoulder 100 and a minimum deposit of 1 000 U.S. dollars. It suits you and that you give us your honest earn thousand ... and possibly two ... but clearly less than ten. By the way, we should note that for the success of the need always to keep abreast of market developments, and that at least a pair of triple-hundred a month, if not more.
Now consider a normal working day: 1 0 August 1 999, 1 4:25 GMT; at this time to EUR LOW = 1, 070 1 HIGH = 1, 0764 LAST = 1 0738 and the day is not over. The difference between these two values is EUR 0,0063, that when the amount of lots in the 1 00 thousand U.S. dollars is USD630, that is, more than half of your deposit. But in your contract probably will be a point that if you lose more than half the money in your account - the position is closed by a locked until you do not fill up or not zaberete their money. Now imagine that you have opened almost at the crest, thinking that the quotes will be even higher, and did not have time to close, when they went down. As a result, over time you lose a thousand dollars, and in the brokerage firm you smiling saying "come yet, they have already committed to you, maybe even ignorirovav orders to the opening position.
Thus, the greater the amount of leverage, the greater the risk is subject to your personal account, and the faster it can dry up. Even if you are lucky, a market movement against you, even briefly, can cost profit for several days.

P.S. But some offer a shoulder 500 ...
Igor Tarielashvili.

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