Saturday, January 31, 2009

George Soros

George Soros

Born in Hungary, George Soros has learned all their survival instincts from his father during the German occupation in World War II. They were Jews, so the father dostaval false documents and found the place where they can hide. This was a man worthy of respect in the First World War he was taken prisoner by Russian and later escaped from prison. Conclusion Soros: "law-abiding is a dangerous addiction, to survive, it is necessary to circumvent the law." And he acknowledged that it did not accept the rules imposed by others. He was accused of going beyond the limits of fair play in trade and stocks, and currencies.

Embarrassed the Communist regime, established after the Second World War, in 1947, Soros moved to Britain where he studied at the London School of Economics. After working for some time, commercial, he found a job in a financial institution. While Soros has got some experience in arbitration, it is mainly engaged in boring office work, not glittering, and with the blessing of the company, resigned. Its purpose was the New York, but he could not get a work visa, because I was too young to be an expert in any field. This was a mandatory requirement for entry into the United States. Therefore, it was "bypassed" the law and get a formal inquiry, which alleged that the arbitration experts to be young, because they die young, and the government vpustilo it.

In the final analysis, Soros founded his own hedge funds. His investment methods ranged from fundamental research to pure instinct. Soros once said: "... I suffered from back pain. I used the start of acute pain as a signal that in my portfolio that it was not true." This was the more pain in his back - to $ 10,000 invested Soros in 1969, turned in more than 2.8 million dollars in 1988. About Sorose say that he has three technology investment:

1. Start small. If things go, build a great position ...
2. Market stupid, so do not try to be vseveduschim ...
3. Speculator must first determine the level of risk to which he is ready to go. "

Some understanding of what can go wrong, Soros gives diagnostiruya collapse in 1987, in the essay "After the Black Monday." One of his conclusions: the management of monetary policy, a critical global issue in preventing the collapse of the stock market and recessions.

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