Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Charles Henry Dow

Charles Henry Dow 1851 -1902

Every day in the press and on television several times a current rate of the Dow Jones - the main indicator of the New York Stock Exchange. Dow Jones-core "barometer" of the state of the U.S. economy. His rise or fall causes crow or rather, the business world tremble all over the world. The journalist, who opened the American Stock

This man knows almost everyone. In doing so, not everyone knows, aware of this. How can this be? It's that simple. The most famous index of the stock market bears his name. Charles Dow, vskormivshy Stock America is one of the fathers of the Dow Jones and perhaps one of the most famous people in the world.

Charles Dow was born on Nov. 6, 1851 in a family of farmers. While the youth has reached the age of conscious and relative independence, he left his farm and tyagotivshuyu already in the 18 years he worked at a fairly major provincial newspaper. Really it is the way to the top began in 1875 when he switched to "The Providence Star".

The new newspaper he took up the economic issues. In fact, he became a genre forebear of financial journalism, not just the well-known index. Apparently, right by those who argue that a talented person is talented in everything. One discovery leads to another. And if the Dow initially wrote stories about the search and implementation of drag.metallov, then later it turned into analysis: The carousel zakrutilas.

Charles Edward partner with Dow Jones went to conquer New York. Here he settled down in the news agency, where he is not bad behavior of financial analysts share the gold mining companies. It is understandable that a man with such a vibrant and pytlivym mind, as the Dow, it was very difficult to live with their relative inactivity.

He was not only to cover developments in the market, especially knowing that his expertise in this area ukosnitelno grow. And sooner or later will grow to such an extent that would allow to enter the stock exchange as a direct party to the events. And so it happened. Dow Jones and start their own business, which makes the coup on the American Stock Exchange.

In 1883, the first bulletin goes "Customer's Afternoon Letter", which printed a summary table with the change in equity prices during the day. To the end of 19 century it was in fact nonsense. This information has been comparatively insider: smaller companies prefer more openness. While such an analysis was conducted in brokerage companies, a broad mass of players on the market access to it was closed. And the more weight they could not expect to any regularity.

But for luck, Dow changed the situation. The original information for the newsletter was extracted very romantic ways: podslushivaniem, "vtiraniem in trust for traders and the like delicacies. But over time, the great mahinatory Exchange realized profits publications: information on price developments, they could stimulate movement in the shares they need direction. And pretty soon turned into a nondescript newsletter: "The Wall-Street Journal"!

It would seem that what remains to be human: to change the basic principles of the stock market - and can live safely. But no, Charles Dow simply could not develop. In his view, comparing the information on price changes in the leading (read - emerging market) share, you can take a single index of the stock market. With Dow promptly did.

Assigning equal weight to each stock and vyschityvaya percentage price change, he gave courses in rednemu value - and has known the Dow Jones, to identify some general direction of movement of the market. Originally there were two indexes: one applied to shares of railway companies, and another - all the rest. The latter was destined to be an authoritative indicator of the financial market for many, many years:

Charles Dow - a journalist, who opened the American Stock, a man with a unique mentality, a talented economist, was one of the remarkable cohort of people who do not posedlivost, talent and innate ability to anticipate the future allow them to virtually alone change history.

Catherine Alipova
"Info Bridge Communication"

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