Friday, January 30, 2009

interview with Renat Fathullinnym

An interview with Renat Fathullinnym, president of the company MetaQuotes Software Corp.

What does your company?

Main area - this is software development. We write of information and trading systems for brokerage services, using financial instruments Forex, CFD and Futures. Having started its development in 1999, has created a three-generation trading platforms: FX Charts, MetaQuotes and MetaTrader.

Quite a number, but what do they differ?

Simply put, the quality, capacity and performance. FX Charts supported work with Forex. MetaQuotes - Forex and CFD, and MetaTrader `e also added, and futures. We are specifically talking about different generations of platforms, as well as at each stage were significant qualitative changes. For example, in MetaQuotes was added to its own programming language (MetaQuotes Language) programming strategies, MetaTrader radically improved performance of the server, allowing simultaneous support of three to four thousand users are online on the same server. And it is not talking about a qualitative change in client terminal, which is closely related to its ability to universally analytical programs such as the Omega TradeStation and MetaStock. In addition, we are actively developing area of mobile trading using a PDA that is running Palm OS and Win CE (Pocket PC).

Mobile Trading - it's quite a young line. How do you assess his prospects?

I must confess that mobile trading is today rather "forward-looking" rather than widespread. We have developed a variety of information and trading terminals for Palm OS and Win CE (Pocket PC), but until the demand is very small.

Perhaps because of the fact that you sell the license for mobile terminals, rather than distribute them free as a program on Windows?

Perhaps, but we are - a commercial company, which spends more money on software development. Currently we offer potestirovat terminal MetaTrader for Palm and MetaTrader CE during the week and then decide - you are a trader or not? In addition, the cost of a license is very small - only forty-five dollars. It should also be noted that brokerage companies often provide users, opening a real account of license to the terminals for Pocket PC for free.

This pleases. And how many brokers are using your system?

Already dozen companies around the world: Russia, U.S., Europe, China, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other countries.

Impressive, but how you do it? There are secrets?

No secrets. We work in liaison with brokerage companies and traders who supply us with their wishes. With offices in Cyprus, we have successfully promotes development abroad. Although the development department is located in Kazan, it does not prevent us to serve our customers worldwide.

Let us go back to your development. You anonsiruete new development - MetaTrader 4. Tell us about it.

We're constantly working to introduce the new requirements of our users and customers (brokerage firms). We are now working on a new version of MetaTrader 4, which will be the following innovations:
- Support multibalansovyh systems (deposits in different currencies);
- A server;
- Support for local financial markets with their own databases and calculated rates (Europe, Japan, Australia, Singapore, etc.);
- Sub-advanced;
- Increased number of reports;
- New data protocols;
- In the client: the updated language MQL 3 (hundred percent compatible with previous version);
- An additional set of indicators;
- More control over sophisticated trading operations of the experts, access to facilities;
- Expanded tehanaliza;
- The story charts;
- Access to the arbitrary schedules of the experts;
- And much more.
Zadumok very much, all the talk can be very long.

Judging from the frequency of release of new versions of the terminal, you do not stand still.

Yes, and it distinguishes us from other companies that are developing trading platforms. In contrast, companies that develop software only for ourselves, we are working immediately on a few dozen brokers who constantly monitor the quality and capacity of systems, allowing us to create a professional and competitive systems.

And how do you assess the situation in the software market in the coming year?

Frankly speaking, the forecast can not be opened or long trading account. Just know - we have not reduced.

Probably, the next step will be to support the Russian market?

I think not. The Russian stock market is very much development. Over the past two or three years, many companies (including banks) have established their terminals to the exchange. But, according to the laws of the market, the winners were few. I do not see any sense in creating yet another system. We have a well-designed line - we offer the best solutions for markets Forex, CFD and Futures!

Mikhail Novikov (November 2003)
Especially for ForexTimes.RU

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