Tuesday, January 27, 2009

B.CH. Forbes

People-legends. B.CH. Forbes (1880-1954)

The future founder of the publishing empire was one of 10 children tailor in Scotland. To help support the family, B. C. Forbes (BC Forbes) began working at the age of 14, when poorly accepted by 7-year apprenticeship naborschikom in the newspaper for 75 cents a week (he thought it hired writer - by analogy with the school by "essay" (In English pun: compositor - compositor, composition - an essay.)). "I soon found out - he remembered - that I agreed to do, meant to stand in front of boxes with text, day after day, month after month for seven years, by selecting only one and the same metal letters ... I felt a sentence of seven years' imprisonment. " It used to give up, Forbes agreed that "will make them want to make me a reporter." At night he studied shorthand - a mandatory requirement for reporters - and, indeed, was the work of journalists.

It took a woman to break his spirit. Forbes left Scotland after the object of his affection had decided to marry another. "I otryahnul ashes of Scotland with his legs - he says - and sailed into the most remote corner of the world, who could imagine - in South Africa, where just completed Boer War, and where, I believe, can be found quite sharp emotions, to calm my black, black sorrow. " Stayed two years in South Africa, he traveled to the United States. In New York, he started writing for several newspapers, covering the issues of business from the financial market to foreign currencies. When William Randolph Hurst decided they wanted to have better financial pages in The New York American, "he hired Forbes, over time, became the best-known financial commentator Hirst.

In 1917, Forbes magazine has based its name. He was going to call it "the case and their vershiteli" (Doers and Doings), but friends convinced him to change, and they felt that his name is in itself a wonderful marketing tool. Even after Forbes founded his own magazine, Hurst asked him to write a syndicated financial column. Shrewd observer of events, Wall Street agreed. Forbes is not afraid to attack such celebrities Wall Street, as Jay Gould, who has criticized the "narrowness of his views, his unreasonable jealousy, his chronic suspicion, etc." using their experience and the bad, and the characters, it offers a view of the operator of a typical Wall Street in the essay "Millionaires Wall Street."


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