Thursday, January 29, 2009

What is Mobile Trading?

What is Mobile Trading?

Our readers will be interested to know what is happening in the market of mobile trading today. Correspondent of "FM", met with the lead programmer for mobile trading company MetaQuotes Software Corp. ( Dennis Mezentseva and tried to find it otvet.Gospodin Mezentsev, what is a mobile Trading?

This new direction in the development of online trading. Modern technology makes it possible to trade operations and technical analysis, even with the help of the so-called naladonnikov - PDA connected to the Internet. It is now possible to conduct full-fledged trade from any place on Earth where you can operate a mobile phone. It should also be noted that the telecommunication services in Russia now has enough quality and the same is also have a reasonable price. And this, in turn, further contributes to the development of mobile trading.
And how do you feel the boom of mobile trading has already passed or is yet to be overcome?

Of course, as this new direction, the boom is yet to come. Some companies have yet to come to the conclusion that this is a promising direction. Others are already busy designing and developing their own systems. Still others may have something to present. However, the market is still very few players, and all of them can be counted on the fingers. Our company is one of the first to develop programmnogoobespecheniya for mobile trading and today offers the best solutions in this field.
Tell us more in detail about how it all began.

In recent years, the number of traders who have a need to constantly keep abreast of developments in financial markets started to rise sharply. Taking all this into account, in November 2002, we began the development of terminals for the CPC. We wanted to create awareness immediately Trading platform, that is, the terminal can not only provide information about the current state of the market, but also to undertake trading activities. A first software product was the terminal MetaTrader for Palm, running the operating system Palm OS. Having successfully completed and released to the market the first version of the terminal, we have begun the second product - MetaTrader CE, working under the operating system Microsoft Pocket PC. Thus, we created two programs to the two major platforms on the market of CPC, but in this work on the terminals have not ended. Since the first version did not stop work to improve the programs and the introduction of new functions.

And what happens now represent these programs?

First, it is full of information and trading terminals, that is, they can not only receive data in real time to display them in graphical form, but to make commercial transactions and manage orders. Secondly, the MetaTrader CE integrated technical analizv a set of indicators. This set is much less than that achieved in the terminal for desktop computers, but should not forget that this is not an ordinary personal computer, a pocket. Hence, together with all its advantages and limitations arise. Unfortunately, because of restrictions platforms, technical analysis has not been realized in the terminal MetaTrader for Palm. But with the development of the CPC, I think we will be able to include in its composition and technical indicators. Show it is very difficult to judge the future of computers Palm.

Summing up, I want to say that, to date, terminals for the CPC has to compete with some of the terminals for desktop computers. And given that will be further development of this class of computers, and, therefore, will increase the possibility of the software, then I think that mobile trading - a great future.

Mikhail Novikov
Forex Magazine

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