Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hours Market

The operation of currency markets does not stop even for a minute. His work in calendar days, they begin in the Far East, New Zealand (Wellington), passing successively time zones - in Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Moscow, Frankfurt, London, and finishing the day in New York and Los Angeles.

Counting time zones is of the Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich (London suburb), and time is called the world or GMT - Greenwich Meridian Time. Depending on the season (summer or winter) in various financial centers around the world will be different from the world's time GMT on the number of hours in the table
The working day in exchange dealers western commercial banks usually starts at 7.30 am local time. At 8.00 dealers have been actively entered into the transaction. The morning half-hour is usually devoted to a brief analysis of the events that have occurred in world currency markets at the time of commencement of work. Retailers enjoyed the economic and technical analysis of the market, read analytical articles in the media, exchange of views, as well as fresh rumors with each other and with dealers of other commercial banks. On the basis of various data gradually emerging picture of the possible conduct of the exchange rate for the next day with different versions of the probability of certain events.

By eight o'clock in the morning market, consisting of individual dealers, develop tactics and behavior in general is beginning to be included in the operation of global foreign exchange market, giving a new impetus to a robust exchange rate movements.

Various territorial markets can provide the following characteristics typical of the average activity during the day.
Far East

Here, the most active transaction market conversion transactions dollar to the Japanese yen, the dollar and the deutsche mark, yen and marks to the dollar and the Australian dollar. Fluctuations in exchange rates at this time is often negligible, but there are days when currencies, especially the dollar against the yen, commit dizzying flights. Especially when the central bank of Japan conducts monetary intervention. In Moscow at this time of night and day: before noon in Moscow, you can work with Tokyo, before lunch with Singapore.
Western Europe

In 1 0.00 Moscow time to open the market in the European finanasovyh centers Zurich, Frankfurt, Paris and Luxembourg. However, this strong dollar exchange rate movement of major currencies since the beginning 11 .00 Moscow time, when the London market opens. This continues, usually for two to three hours, after which, dealers of European banks go to dinner - lunch, a slightly reduced market activity

North America

The situation is enlivened again with the opening of the market in New York 1 6.00 Moscow time, when the morning work dealers of American banks, and returned to lunch with European dealers. Force of European and American banks about equal, so the fluctuations in the average, do not go beyond the usual European fluctuations. Nevertheless, foreign exchange dealers are eagerly awaiting the opening of nyuyorkskogo market to get fresh data on the possible movement of the course (especially if the European market has been sluggish).

However, after the closure of the European market (about 1 9-20 pm Moscow time), aggressive American banks, left alone to "thin" market, can lead to dramatic changes in the exchange value of the dollar against other currencies.


Japan 03:00-09:30

Continental Europe 09:30-1 6:00

UK 11 :30-1 8:30

USA 1 7:30-00:30

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