Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Learning to write by experts for MetaTrader. Lesson number 6

Education MQL II. Lesson 6

Hello, dear readers! Today we learn to control the open positions. At the end of the lesson we will write expert. A major difference that experts from the past is that a way out of the position will be not only stoporderu, but on the condition of the closure.

6.1. The number of open positions

For the number of open positions with the variable TotalTrades. If you want to perform and always have only one open position, the use of design

If TotalTrades = 0 then {-----------};


If TotalTrades = 1 then exit;

6.2 Function Order Value

Feature OrderValue - values of the parameters of open positions.

Syntax: OrderValue (position, mode)

Position - the number of open positions;

Mode - this option can take multiple values, depending on what settings you need to get the position.

Mode may be as follows: VAL_CLOSEPRICE - current closing price;

VAL_CLOSETIME - closing time;

VAL_COMMENT - Comment;

VAL_LOTS - the number of lots;

VAL_OPENPRICE - the price of opening position;

VAL_OPENTIME - the opening position;

VAL_PROFIT - current profit;

VAL_STOPLOSS - Trigger price stoplossa;

VAL_SWAP - a swap for the current shift position;

VAL_SYMBOL - currency pair;

VAL_TAKEPROFIT - Trigger price teykprofita;

VAL_TICKET - Number of position;

VAL_TYPE - the type of position (buy, sell, etc.).

With several open positions, or even one, to identify the parameters of an open position is convenient to use the cycle for.

for cnt = 1 to TotalTrades


if OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TYPE) <= OP_SELL and / / an open position? OP_BUY or OP_SELL

OrderValue (cnt, VAL_SYMBOL) = Symbol then / / instrument matches?


If OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TYPE) = OP_BUY then / / open long position

... ... ... ... ... ... ..

6.3. Feature ModifyOrder

This function is needed that would change the set stop orders. For example, this feature is used to podzhatiya stoplossa (trailing stop). Using this feature, you can also change teykprofit.

Syntax: ModifyOrder (order, price, stoploss, takeprofit, color)

Order-on this parameter being the identification of specific orders;

Stoploss-new stoploss;

Takeprofit-new teykprofit;

Color-color in which okrasitsya icon on the schedule of prices;

Example changes stoplossa.

If TrailingStop> 0 then / / you put in nastroykahtreylingstop

(/ / It means we are going to check it

If (Bid-OrderValue (cnt, VAL_OPENPRICE))> (Point * TrailingStop) then


If OrderValue (cnt, VAL_STOPLOSS) <(Bid-Point * TrailingStop) then


ModifyOrder (OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TICKET), OrderValue (cnt, VAL_OPENPRICE),

Bid-Point * TrailingStop, OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TAKEPROFIT), Red);


6.4 Function CloseOrder

Using this feature, being the closing of open positions. Most often this occurs by an established conditions. Ie together with the operator, if then.

Syntax: CloseOrder (order, lots, price, slippage, color);

Order - on this parameter being the identification of specific orders;

Lots - the number of lots in the open position;

Slippage - prosklzyvanie;

Color-color in which okrasitsya icon on the schedule of prices;


CloseOrder (OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TICKET), OrderValue (cnt, VAL_LOTS), Bid, 3, Violet);

6.5 Expert

The basic take an expert from the last release, t.k.ego purpose of securing the material.

I hope you will understand what this expert, all you need to do is, in this and previous lessons. Next issue, I plan to make a practical, t.k.teper you have sufficient knowledge that would write a rather serious experts. I would be very glad if you, dear readers, have written to me what an expert you'd like to see on the pages of the next issue. The most interesting algorithm will be implemented in the next issue


Name: = Expert6

Author: = Fxtest.ru

Link: = forextimes.ru

Lots: = 1.00

Stop Loss: = 80

Take Profit: = 80

Trailing Stop: = 0

]] * /

defines: per (7), Upzone (70), Downzone (30), BigTrend (100);

/ / per-period RSI; Upzone, Downzone-overzony, BigTrend-period average showing

global trend

var: r1 (0), r2 (0), m1 (0), m2 (0), cnt (0);

/ / R1-time value of RSI r2-before value of RSI

r1 = iRSI (per, 1);

r2 = iRSI (per, 2);

m1 = iMA (BigTrend, MODE_SMA, 1);

/ / MA simple type (SMA)

m2 = iMA (BigTrend, MODE_SMA, 2);

if TotalTrades <1 then


/ / play if there is no open positions

if r2> r1 and r2> Upzone and m1
/ / if an extreme value and above the upper overzony, and the global trend is downwards x, sell


SetOrder (op_sell, lots, bid, 3, ask + stoploss * point, ask-takeprofit * point, red); exit;);

if r2 m2 then

/ / if an extreme value and below the lower overzony, and the global trend is up, buy


SetOrder (op_buy, lots, ask, 3, bid-stoploss * point, bid + takeprofit * point, green);




if TotalTrades> 0 then


for cnt = 1 to TotalTrades


if OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TYPE) <= OP_SELL and

/ / position and buy or sell currency pair skotoroy experts

OrderValue (cnt, VAL_SYMBOL) = Symbol then


If OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TYPE) = OP_BUY then

/ / if you buy


if r2> 50 and r1
/ / Condition to closing


CloseOrder (OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TICKET), OrderValue (cnt, VAL_LOTS), Bid, 3, Violet);

/ / close position




If OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TYPE) = OP_SELL then

/ / if you sell

(if r2 <50> r2 then

/ / Condition to closing


CloseOrder (OrderValue (cnt, VAL_TICKET), OrderValue (cnt, VAL_LOTS), ask, 3, Violet);

/ / close position







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