Friday, January 30, 2009

Interview with Alexander Kononets

Interview with Alexander Kononets, director of the company DealingCity Inc.

- What are the main direction of your company?

The main activities of our company is providing access to the Forex market to private investors and the development of software products, users are professional market participants Forex - traders, brokers and dealers.

- Why did you choose for themselves a niche, not only the client dealing, but the developer Terminal? After all, how much I know, in this niche are enough strong players? How do you plan to survive the tough competition prevailing in the market these services?

Only work in the face of fierce competition may bear fruit. We are professionals in this business.
First Division client dealing in Forex was opened with our help, even in the 97th in size Doninvest.
At that time, the global practice of a client dealing another implies expensive reyterovskih terminal with the cost of rental of a terminal around $ 3500 per month. In Doninveste there were four.
And yet, service was so much in demand, which is enough to pay off and quickly became a profit until the banking crisis of 98-year.
The crisis has served us a great lesson, and pushed us to take a decision on the need to create your own dilingovoy system.
Even then we knew that our own development offers an opportunity to maximize rapid response to customer inquiries, improve the quality of service and thus expand the geography of customers. The client always wants now, and only service of its own development and support can give it to him. For example do not need to go: there were so many requests to create a terminal like "high-customized" under a specific user. Did.
The Second Division of the client dealing in Forex, is already providing Internet services, was launched with the help of the fall of 99-year, together with Software Corporation, known today as the FX EuroClub.
At the dawn of the formation of the Russian Internet dealing, in fact, it was the first time, a revolutionary solution, which subsequently formed a unique niche.
Niche foreksa ruble, in the bookmaker activities.
However there was no relevant professional market participants to bukmekerstvu, however, that we probili first bukmekerskuyu license Forex in Russia, opening up market access to the wider masses. As a result - reducing risks for beginners, a simplified scheme of work in Russia's legal framework. After further development in 2001 was opened by the company DealingCity, in which we implement more integrated solutions.
This is indeed a prerequisite, which pushed us to the choice of this niche. In any case, the experience we have more than enough, and while we are in the business, as we did, and we will do everything we can to meet the needs of quality customer service and to create integrated solutions for the professional market participants.

- Why do not you reduce the spread, leaving him at 4-5 points?

This is not necessary. Real customers, spread within 4 points of suits. They are clearly aware of their level of input and output. And spread to them has no special meaning. As our dealer almost always confirms the quotes, the actual spread in most cases is below the indicative, it is company policy, our customers know and use successfully.

- As to the Commission? You are in fact one of the few who stands out today, its existence. It is difficult to convince the customer probably that pay commission to his broker today is in the order of things, while many operators to desist from this practice, even for small and earn only the sprede.

First, how do we know, for many it still remains. We, too, will soon abandon the practice. You may have the next month we will cancel a commission from the transactions.

- What are your relations with rival companies?

Very good. We fully support the healthy competition for the customer, because it leads to continually improve services, improve their quality, continually introduce new services. With some of the companies we have established friendly personal relations. I hope that soon it comes, and to joint action.

- What projects are you going to introduce in the near future?

In the coming weeks, we plan to introduce a new service. Service for the operational links between the business traders and investors.
Service will be the most transparent and informative. As far as we know, there is no analogues.

- And if the details of what will be the new service?

Service trust will be a supplementary service in Dealing City and provide for the automation and standardization of traders and investors.
Traders wishing to bring their trade for additional funds, using the finished form in Dealing City, published a proposal (an offer) on its willingness to take on their investment / trading account in the administration on certain conditions:
1. The minimum payment (share in the total fund);
2. The term deposit (fixed or on demand, if the term, it indicates the number of calendar days);
3. Commission trader (what percentage of the profits on invested capital investor is required to pay the trader as a commission).
4. Leverage - the maximum allowable level of leverage, which may use a trader in their trade. In fact, means the limit of acceptable risk. Depending on the aggressiveness of investment, from 1:5 to 1:200.
Traders at will provide information on their trading strategy, in particular, they can podgruzit steymenty not only to our system.

- That is, if I understood any trader can create your own unit Investment Fund (PIF)?

It is true, the most transparent PIF from the existing analogue, primarily transparent to investors. The investor gets the opportunity to on-line monitoring of the current state of their investments full control over how their money working in a particular fund. The possibility of a rapid entry into the fund and the rapid withdrawal of their assets from the fund is automated.

- How will the process of accession to the fund and the conclusions of the assets of the Fund?

Investors, looking proposals Traders (managers), chooses its favorable investment preferences fund manager, puts the amount of its contribution, and one click enters into the fund. When entering into a new fund payschika happens percent share of the redistribution of all participants.

- As an investor can withdraw their money from the fund?

In order to withdraw their assets from the fund, the investor sends an application trader. Trader calculates how to change the status of the fund at the time of execution of the application. If the execution of the application for a trader should be to reduce the open position, it produces the appropriate action, then confirms the request for the withdrawal of investor funds.
The process of withdrawal of funds from the fund, similar to the process of writing, is also fully automated.

- What are the guarantees provided Dealing City investor?

Dealing City guarantees to the investor:
- 24 hours a day, on-line information on how to operate his money in the fund.
- Guarantees the performance of traders of their obligations under the terms of the offer.
- In exceptional cases, when Trader has not fulfilled a request for the withdrawal of an investor's share of the Equity Fund within the allocated time for this (24 hours of the filing of this application), to take an independent decision on the execution of such an application.

- When an estimated yield can be expected in light of new services?

We have already begun to implement, it is ready to almost 80% of the plan implementation will begin in a week.

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