Wednesday, January 28, 2009



In September, opened the project "Exchange", owned by the Swedish company's Global Stock Operations AB. The project is an interactive game on the stock exchange, in which the player, the trader the opportunity to speculate in the securities of well-known brands. The system traders can trade shares of Russia (MICEX), and U.S. stock markets (NYSE and NASDAQ).

The aim of the founders of the project - to enable everyone to learn to free online trading. The system allows Novice trader to obtain the necessary theoretical knowledge, but also try to practice. Model Exchange games on the site, as close as possible to the real conditions of the trading on the exchange. The players, if desired, may be take part in games with cash rates or play for free. Free games allow beginners traders to take the first steps in the stock market game, not risking their capital. Playing with the rates of more than azartna, as a result of it Traders get a real profit.

«Our project was created for those who want to learn online trading» - says project manager Alexander Pankratov, - «For some of our stock market games - no more than a hobby, an intellectual fascination. Other players come from a more serious purpose - to learn how to play the market so as to subsequently engage in this business and get a permanent income. In order to arrive at the present exchange requires more resources and sufficient experience in trading. «Exchange »gives novice traders an opportunity to start virtually from scratch, learn to analyze the situation on the market, develop and validate their strategies into practice, to earn the first profit ».

The project will be of interest to all, for whom the game - this is a unique sport, gymnastics for the brain or simply azartnoe habit.
Stock game will allow players to spend time with interest, to earn profits, as well as learn about the activities of trader.

Alexander Pankratov

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